1. Donate
Your donations ensure a 100% free public resource open to all in the heart of downtown Stonington, Maine. Contributions from individual donors account for over 60% of SPL’s income year after year. Consider adding your support to the hundreds of community members and visitors who help to make possible all that we do.
Stonington Public Library is a 501(c)(3), and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. EIN: 01-0339251
PayPal: @stoningtonlibrary [see also button below]
Venmo: @stoningtonpubliclibrary
Check: payable to Stonington Public Library
2. Adopt an Author
Stonington Public Library strives to keep new titles coming on to our shelves and putting them into readers’ hands. We stretch our budget as far as it will go, and still the hardest part is deciding which books don’t make the cut. You can help us add more books to our collection by adopting an author—or even more than one.
To participate in our Adopt an Author program, make a commitment by email to cover the cost of new books by the author(s) you want to adopt, and in return, you will get first dibs on their new releases. SPL requires no upfront donation; simply pay as you go, approximately $15-20 per title. Like all donations to the library, you will receive a written acknowledgement of your gift, which is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
3. Volunteer
For each of the past three years, 2021-2023, volunteers have logged over 1,000 hours doing everything from gardening and book delivery to holiday decorations and bookkeeping. SPL also has an all-volunteer board of trustees who go above and beyond the call of duty to enrich the library.
Interested in joining our incredible team of volunteers? There are a multitude of ways you can support SPL through volunteering, and whatever your skills and your availability, there’s a role for you! Email SPL to learn more about how you can get involved today.
4. Give
Books are by far the most common gift that we receive at SPL. While a select few are added to our collection, the majority of donated books become part of our ongoing book sale. We request that all book donations be made during library hours to give us a chance to look through them. We accept over 90% of all books that people bring us. If you have more than a couple of boxes, reach out to us first by email or phone, (207) 367-5926. A volunteer can come to you, or we can schedule a time to meet you at the library.
For all other in-kind donations, we recommend that you first contact us to discuss what you would like to donate or what SPL currently needs.
SPL can issue an acknowledgement for in-kind donations upon request. It is the responsibility of the donor to determine the fair market value of the donated items.
5. Buy
The Friends of SPL book sale is always open during library hours with new books coming in all the time, and 100% of proceeds go to support SPL. Come in to browse—you never know what gem you might find!
SPL also offers a selection of notecards, posters, and other goods designed by local artists. Some exhibited artwork can also be purchased. SPL receives a portion of all sales.
6. Share
There is so much talent in our small island community, and SPL’s rich programming is made even richer by generous community members who volunteer to share their talent with other islanders. Got an idea for a program? We want to hear from you! Email or call, (207) 367-5926.